Mi Yong: Reflection on Data Service in the Smart Campus Era

The release date:2017-10-11view:715Set

Lecture title: Reflection on Data Service in the SmartCampus Era

Lecturer: Mi Yong

Lecture time: 13:30-15:00, Next Tuesday, October 17

Lecture venue: 202# Meeting Room, College of Information

About the lecturer:

Mi Yong, professor and Ph.D worked at CERN Ding Zhaozhong’s Laboratory inGeneva, Switzerland, and obtained a doctorate (PhD) at the University ofLausanne. He once served as director of the Information Office at FudanUniversity, deputy director of Institute of Modern Physics at Fudan University,deputy director of Key MOE Laboratory of Applied Ion Beam Physics at FudanUniversity, expert of Physics II Review Group of National Natural ScienceFoundation of Physics, expert of the preparation group for the Ministry ofEducation Education Information Ten-year Development Plan (2011-2020)and Education Management Information Standard Set , expert ofthe top-level design team of the Ministry of Education’s Golden EducationProgram, member of Shanghai Yangpu District CPPCC and other positions. He wasawarded Principal’s Award(2004) of Fudan University, Advanced Individual of United Front Work inShanghai (2006), Top 10 Outstanding CIOs in Shanghai (SASAC / CST /CEIT, 2006),National Outstanding CIO (China Institute of Electronics, 2014), China Top 100 CIOs(China Chief Information Officers Union, 2016) and other honors. He is now ViceChairman of Chinese Higher Education information Academy, Chairman ofManagement Information System (MIS) Committee of Shanghai Institute of HigherEducation, Expert of Educational Information Management Expert Group of theMinistry of Education, CETSC Member and Dean of School of Continuing Education,Fudan University.


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