SHOU Welcoming the First Batch of Exchange Teachers and Students from “CAMPUS Asia” program

The release date:2017-02-22view:207Set

From February 15 toFebruary 18, the 12-person delegation of Korea Maritime University, headed by Dean of the Graduate Research School Dong-Hyuk Kim and consisting of sevenprofessors and five PhD and master candidates from the College of MarineScience and Technology and the College of Marine Living Resources, visited SHOU for short-term exchange.

The “Common Education Program based on ‘Sino-Japan-South Korea Integration’ in the Marine Science & Technology Field”, jointly implemented by SHOU, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Korea Maritime University, aims to promotethe joint cultivation of marine science & technology talents by the three countries and the three universities. The visit of the teachers and students of Korea Maritime University to SHOU is one of the contents in the “CAMPUS Asia”program. During the visit, the leaders of SHOU graciously received thedelegation; the Graduate Research School and Teaching Affairs Department of SHOU engaged in in-depth discussion and communication with Korea Maritime University with regard to the implementation contents and plans of the credit transfer and acceptation among “the three countries and the three universities”, the dual-degree agreement for graduate students between Korea Maritime University and SHOU and the short-term overseas-study plan for exchange graduate and undergraduate students between the two universities.

The delegation alsovisited the professional laboratories of SHOU College of Marine Sciences,College of Fisheries and Life Science and College of Engineering, and heldseminars with our professors with similar research interests. Through in-depthcommunication, the professors of the two universities gained a further understanding of the other’s research fields and research directions, which would facilitate the future exchange of students and the joint training andguidance of graduate students.

Through the active support of the College ofInternational Cultural Exchange, the College of Marine Sciences, the College of Fisheries and Life Science, the College of Engineering and the College of Food Science and Technology, the exchange visit achieved satisfactory results, deepened the mutual understanding between Korea Maritime University and SHOU, especially strengthened the exchange between both parties at college and professor levels, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent implementation of “CAMPUS Asia” program.

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