Pelagic Fishing Engineering & Technology Research Center Officially Passed Acceptance Test and Received Name The SHOU National

The release date:2016-12-23view:214Set

Recently, National Pelagic Fishing Engineering & Technology Research Center of Shanghai Ocean University (“the Center”) passed acceptance test and was officially named.

On-Site Expert Acceptance

The center was approved for establishment in December 2011 and passed through on-site acceptance by expert group organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in April 2016. By virtue of cultivation and introduction, the center has established 6 reasonably-structured research teams on fishing equipment, fishery forecast, etc, including 112 permanent personnel and 69 casual workers, among which, 1 Chairman of Asian Fisheries Society, 1 national candidate for New Century Talents Project, 1 Shanghai Leading Talents, 1 Shanghai outstanding subject leader, 1 innovative talent in agriculture science and technology under the Ministry of Agriculture, and 9 leading scientists employed by the Ministry of Agriculture for international and regional fishery organizations.

During the construction, the center undertook 62 national and provincial projects, developed 11 new pelagic resources and fisheries, autonomously developed fishing equipment and internationally advanced fishing and ocean condition information service system, including LED fishing lamp, automatic squid angling machine, large trawl otter and saury fishing unit, acquiring great achievements in development of pelagic squid and saury resources, large mid-water trawl and highly-efficient tuna fishing technologies. In addition, the center won 5 provincial,ministerial, and industrial awards on academic research, published 129 academic papers, obtained 58 patents and 26 software copyrights, published 17 monographs and formulated 32 corporate standards under cooperation with relevant enterprises. 

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