The SHOU Leaders Visited Portuguese Universities to Promote Cooperation

The release date:2016-12-21view:199Set

On December 11-16, the SHOU delegation led by Party Secretary Wu Jiamin visited University of Algarveand University of Azores ofPortugal, had in-depth discussion so as to promote inter-university cooperation, further carry out the framework agreement on bilateral maritime cooperation by State Oceanic Administrationof China and Ministry of Agriculture and Sea of Portugal and promote exchanges on maritime science, education and culture among Chinese and Portuguese universities and academic research institutions.

In the afternoon of December 12, Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Cai Run received the delegation of Shanghai Ocean University. Party Secretary Wu introduced to Ambassador Cai the purpose of the visit and vision on promoting China-Portugal inter-university exchange. Ambassador Cai Run introduced the sound cooperation and progress in education, economy and trade, science and technology between China and Portugal and pointed out that under the context of developing ocean economy and blue economy as proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Sea of Portugal, both China and Portugal have bright prospectson in-depth cooperation in respect of maritime science and technology, maritime development, and maritime infrastructure development. He also hoped Shanghai Ocean University would play a more significant role in the cooperation of maritime academic education between the two countries. He said he would continue to give strong support for maritime academic and technological exchange and cooperation between China and Portugal.

Delegation Visiting Embassy of China in Portugal

On December 13, the delegation visited University of Algarve and had talks and exchange with Prof. Antonio Branco, Principal of University of Algarve, and Prof. Adelino Canario (special-term professor of Shanghai Ocean University), Assistant Principal, Dean of School of Science and Technology, Dean of School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Director of Division of Bachelor of Science Courses, and Director of CCMAR Marine Research Center. Secretary Wu reviewed the progress and achievements in cooperation in maritime science between the two universities. Both parties had in-depth talks on the new round of inter-university cooperation agreement signed in 2016, discussed how to further deepen cooperation in scientific research, introduce high-quality courses, cooperate in cultivating students, and other relevant issues.

During the visit, the delegation visited the Aquaculture Laboratory of University of Algarve and had warm talks with SHOU students studying at University of Algarve, seeing their living and study conditions in Portugal and encouraging them to complete their studies.

The SHOU delegate Visiting Aquaculture Laboratory of University of Algarve

On December 14, the delegation visited University of Azores and had in-depth talks with Prof. Ana Teresa Alves, Vice Principal in charge of academicresearch, Dean of School of Science and Technology, Dean of Volcanology and Risk Assessment, Senior Researcher of Azores Biodiversity Research Team, Head of OKEANO Deep Sea Exploration Research Center and others. Principal of University of Azores introduced the basic situations and competitive researches of the university and Secretary Wu introduced the competitive disciplines of SHOU, such as marine sciences, aquaculture, food sciences and processing and hoped both parties can reach consensus on long-term inter-university cooperation and by virtue of this visit, promote the foundation of Sino-Portugal Marine Sciences Joint Research Center. The delegation visited the Volcanic Activity and Seismic Monitoring Research Center of the university.

SHOU Leaders Talking with Exchange Students from SHOU Studying at University of Azores

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