Shanghai Ocean University and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Held 10th Joint Seminar

The release date:2016-12-12view:350Set

On December 5, 2016, the 10th joint seminar themed “Development of Marine Industry and Role of Universities – Challenges Faced by Ocean Universities on Cultivating Talents for Marine Science and Technology” was held in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, attended by a delegation of 6 people led by President Chen Yudong of Shanghai Ocean University, as well as President Toshio Takeuchi, Vice President Tadashi Tokai, Jota Kanda, Mitsuru Izumi, and department directors, professors and students from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. The meeting was presided by Vice PresidentTadashi Tokai of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.

President ToshioTakeuchispoke highly of the fruitful results achieved since the cooperation of two universities. Particularly, the convening of the 10th joint seminar symbolized the frequent exchange. Both universities have defined their respective visions for development and it is believed that both will continue their cooperation and further promote mutual development.  Under the theme of “Organizational Reform of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Targeted at Cultivating Marine Talents”, President ToshioTakeuchiintroduced the 10 major tasks for reforming the Department of Marine Science and Technology and realizing the 2027 vision of the university. President Chen Yudong reviewed the development history and the existing exchange mechanism of the two universities, and considered that the exchange and reform of the two universities have played a critical role in promoting mutual development. President Chen Yudong also delivered a speech under the theme of “Organizational Reform for Building Characteristic Ocean University and introduced the system reform for cultivating marine talents and the action plan for realizing the 2030 vision of Shanghai Ocean University. At the seminar, Professors Li Bolin, Yan Xinghong and Yang Zhengyong from Shanghai Ocean University presented exchange reports under the theme of “Development and Policy Supports of China’s Marine Industry”, “Creation and Research Development of New Marine Industry” and “Economic Development and Enterprise-Government-University Cooperation for Chinese Coastal Areas”, respectively, and had in-depth talks and discussions with professors from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. The seminar started from cultivating marine talents in the new era, featuring extensive coverage, new prospective and high starting point, discussed the discipline and organization systems of the universities shouldering social responsibilities and addressed the issues concerning talents and key technologies for future development of marine industry in combination with history and reality and theory with practice.

The SHOU delegate Visiting Marine Diesel Engine Test Platform

On December 6, theSHOU delegation led by President Chen Yudong visited School of Engineering of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, exchanged ideas on teaching and scientific research with professors from Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering and Department of Information and Communication Engineering, and discussed the cooperation and exchange programof engineering undergraduate and graduate teaching of the two universities. Meanwhile, the delegation also visited the marine diesel engine test platform, marine navigation system, anchor system mechanics laboratory, low-temperature cold-chain systems and the Meiji-maru training ship, a major Japanese cultural relics built in 1874 and kept at the campus of the School of Engineering of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. The delegation also had informal talks with the exchange students of Shanghai Ocean University, to see their living and study conditions and listen to their opinions on SHOU’s procedure in selecting exchange students.

The SHOU delegate VisitingWakame Breeding and Test Base at Marine Life Teaching Facilities of National Kochi University Comprehensive Research Center

During the visit, President Chen Yudong also visited National Kochi University-our friendly academy and had discussions with President Hiroshi Wakiguchi, Vice President Katsutoshi Sakurai and Narufumi Suganuma of Kochi University on reform and connotation construction of region-oriented characteristic university. The delegation also paid a visit to Marine Life Teaching Facilities of National Kochi University Comprehensive Research Center, and under the guidance of Professor Masao Ohno, former director of the center, visited the Wakame Breeding and Test Base and had talks with the SHOU graduate students studying at the center. 

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