SHOU Grandly Holding the Publishing Ceremony of Shanghai Municipal Special Chronicle • Chronicle of Shanghai Ocean University, A Short History of China Fishery Cause and Painting Manual of Zhu Yuanding & the Seminar in Memory of the 120th Anniversary

The release date:2016-11-29view:228Set

On the morning of Nov. 28, Shanghai Ocean University grandly held the Publishing Ceremony of Shanghai Municipal Special Chronicle • Chronicle of Shanghai Ocean University, A Short History of China Fishery Cause and Painting Manual of Zhu Yuanding & the Seminar in Memory of the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Hou Chaohai, Chen Ziying and Zhu Yuanding. Nearly 100 people participated in the event, including the representatives and special guests of the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Office of Shanghai Local Chronicle, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute and East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, the leaders and retired cadres of our university, etc. The seminar was directed by Wu Jiamin, Secretary of SHOU CPC Committee.

Wu Jiamin introduced the guests present and the background of the event. After a brief presentation ceremony of Shanghai Municipal Special Chronicle • Chronicle of Shanghai Ocean University, A Short History of China Fishery Cause and Painting Manual of Zhu Yuanding and the awarding ceremony of university chronicle consultant recognition certificates, speeches were given from historical perspectives by Jin Xianshi, Director of Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences and Chen Xuezhong, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, who both reviewed the history of the two research institutes, Shanghai Ocean University and the three masters and said that the spirits of the masters would be upheld to reinforce cooperation and exchange.

Also present at the event were Professors Wang Yaogeng and Song Jiakun from Shanghai Ocean University; Professor Zhao Shenglong from Zhejiang Ocean University; Professor Zhong Junsheng from the Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Ocean University; Doctor Song Xiaojing (enrolled in 2014) from the College of Fisheries and Life Science and Wu Zejian from Yuanding College; and Hou Tianyuan, niece of Hou Chaohai. They cherished the memory of the contributions of the three masters to our fishery science education cause and their noble moral sentiments and teaching ethics based on their personal perspectives and experiences.

President Cheng Yudong, who had been away on business, entrusted Secretary Wu Jiamin to extend his congratulations to the publishing of Shanghai Municipal Special Chronicle • Chronicle of Shanghai Ocean University, A Short History of China Fishery Cause and Painting Manual of Zhu Yuanding, and to reaffirm the importance of the master spirit of “As heaven maintains vigor through movements, a gentle man should constantly strive for self-perfection. As earth's condition is receptive devotion, a gentle man should hold the outer world with broad mind.” According to him, it is this spirit that promotes the development of colleges and universities, so he hopes that all the teachers and students of SHOU can have a profound feeling of this spirit and devote themselves to building a high-grade characteristic university through joint efforts and continuous innovation.

Situ Jiantong, Vice President and Secretary General of China Society of Fisheries, said that the publishing of these three books would create precious wealth for the fishery field, and that we would always remember the excellent achievements and great contributions of the masters. According to Hong Minrong, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Director of Shanghai Local Chronicle Office, history should be remembered and traditions carried forward, so that we can always adhere to our original intention for further advancement. Ding Xiaoming, Sub-inspector of the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out that the publishing of these books would be of vital importance for inheriting the achievements of the fishery field, cherishing the memory of masters, listening to echoes of history and the edifications of masters and better upholding the spirits of masters.

According to reports, Shanghai Municipal Special Chronicle • Chronicle of Shanghai Ocean University is the first special chronicle published in the second round of chronicle compilation and publishing in Shanghai. After seven years of compilation by nearly 200 people through consulting thousands of volumes of archives, sorting out data in millions of characters, making changes to multiple drafts and submitting for careful proofreading and repeated modification by proofreading consultants and for three rounds of reviews by municipal-level experts, they were eventually submitted for publication. A Short History of China Fishery Cause is compiled on the basis of the manuscript of Hou Chaohai, first President of Shanghai Ocean University, and provides a comprehensive interpretation of the developmental history of China’s fishery cause. The Painting Manual of Zhu Yuanding is published on the basis of Manual of Zhu Yuanding, and introduces the whole life of Zhu Yuanding, a well-known ichthyologist, in extremely rich details.

Shanghai Ocean University has always attached great importance to the exploration of historical and cultural resources and advantages, the construction of spiritual civilization and, especially, the work related to university history, university conditions and mental outlook, and has exerted lots of efforts in the inheritance and exchange of historical culture and fine university spirits. In addition to holding a seminar in memory of masters, SHOU also organized a series of memorial activities to cherish the memory of the three masters, discuss their ideas and mental outlook and further explore the values and significance of their spirits in the current context, including “Picture Show of Hou Chaohai, Chen Ziying and Zhu Yuanding.

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