Shanghai Ocean University Formally Releasing its “13th Five-year Plan”

The release date:2016-11-18view:512Set

After one and a half years of preparation, Shanghai Ocean University has recently formally released its “13th Five-year Plan” (hereinafter referred to as “the Plan”) to the entire university.

In Apr., 2015, SHOU formally launched the compilation of its “13th Five-year Plan”. During the compilation process, it has always adhered to the working principles of “highlighting innovation points, rationalizing intersection lines and compacting fundamentals”, held four plan compilation leading group meetings through survey, discussion, comparative analysis, consultation, coordination and so forth, comparatively studied more than 20 colleges and universities both at home and abroad, organized more than 30 internal seminars, invited more than 20 experts from national ministries and commissions, Shanghai municipal commissions, offices and bureaus, brother colleges and universities and so forth for series coating reports, organized five briefing seminars of various levels between teachers and students, conducted more than 20 college planning and special planning reporting seminars, and achieved the goals of focusing wisdoms, deepening understanding, defining tasks and reaching consensus. Relying on the high sense of responsibility of various colleges and relevant departments and the active participation and substantial of teachers and students, the Developmental Planning Office has carefully satisfactorily completed the plan compilation work in various phases through careful preparations.

The “13th Five-year Plan” of Shanghai Ocean University consists of 2030-oriented Future Strategy of Shanghai Ocean University (hereinafter referred to as “the Future Strategy”), Developmental Planning of the “13th Five-year Plan” Cause of Shanghai Ocean University (hereinafter referred to as “the Developmental Planning”), and Implementation Scheme of the Developmental Planning of the “13th Five-year Plan” Cause of Shanghai Ocean University (hereinafter referred to as “the Implementation Scheme”).

The Future Strategy states the strategic vision for 2030, and focuses on the nature of universities to reflect on their missions, responsibilities, consciousness and contributions to the development of human society. It mainly covers three fields, i.e., developmental objectives & fields, university-running ideas & characteristics, and future strategy.

The Developmental Planning focuses on the strategic vision, and establishes its five-year developmental objectives and the approaches of realizing these objectives. It consists of four parts: Part 1 mainly reviews the reform and developmental achievements of the university during the “12th Five-year Plan” period, points out its gaps and shortcomings, and describes the opportunities and challenges faced by the university during the “13th Five-year Plan” period; Part 2 establishes the overall strategy of the university for reform and development during the “13th Five-year Plan” period, and defines its guiding ideas and main objectives; Part 3 states the main tasks and measures related to the promotion of university development from eight aspects, that is, moral education development, teaching reform, scientific & technological innovation, social services, HR construction, foreign cooperation & exchange, campus building, and governance system; Part 4 mainly elaborates the guarantee measures.

The Implementation Scheme mainly focuses on the objectives of the plan, implements the tasks by levels, types and years, and aims to realize these objectives. It mainly consists of three aspects, i.e., overall consideration, main tasks and schedule during the “13th Five-year Plan” period. It will be continuously optimized and improved during the implementation of the plan.

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