The 1st Chinese River Crab Industry High-Level Forum Successfully Held in SHOU

The release date:2016-11-17view:140Set

On Nov. 14, 2016, the 1st Chinese River Crab Industry High-Level Forum was successfully held in SHOU, and more than 400 professionals from all over the country attended the forum, including experts of river crab scientific research institutions, leading enterprises, aquaculturists, etc. At the brief opening ceremony, speeches were presented by Li Kexin, Deputy Chief of National Fishery Technical Extension Center (NFTEC); Wang Xiaolin, Vice Chairman of the China Association of River Crabs; Li Jiale, SHOU Vice President and other leaders. The forum was sponsored by “Chinese Society of Oceanology and Limnology/the Branch of Carcinology of China Zoological Society”.

Experts Zhou Gang, Li Xiaodong and Wu Xu interacting with representatives

Present at the forum were many scholars and experts of SHOU that are engaged in the R&D of the river crab industry, such as Cheng Yongxu, Yang Xianle, Wang Xichang, Qiu Gaofeng, Chen Lansun, Wu Xugan, Yang Zhigang and Li Jiayao, as well as some famous external experts in the industry, such as Chen Liqiao, Li Xiaodong, Zhou Gang, Deng Deng, Liu Jiashou, Teng Feng, Yang Qian and Yang Weilong.

Report given by SHOU Professor Yang Xianle received warm applauses

Professor Chen Liqiao presenting a report

SHOU Professor Cheng Yongxu summarized this forum. First, he thanked all the friends in the industry for their support to the scientific and technological work of river crab industry, and, on behalf of SHOU experts engaged in the R&D of the river crab industry, he expressed our willingness to join hands with all parties concerned in jointly promoting the development of the industry. He also pointed out that the biggest highlight of this forum was the gathering of top-level experts, celebrities, aquaculture enterprises and aquaculturists (technical experts) in the river crab R&D field on one platform, and that this grand exchange forum between the academic circle and the industrial circle no doubt would exert a significant impact on the sustainable development of the Chinese river crab industry in the future.

Professor Cheng Yongxu making a summary speech at the forum

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