Founding Conference of the Journal Branch of China Society of Fisheries & General Elections of the Fishery Refrigeration Branch and the Freshwater Aquaculture Branch Successfully Held in SHOU

The release date:2016-11-15view:153Set

On the morning of Nov. 10, 2016, the Founding Conference of the Journal Branch of China Society of Fisheries & General Elections of the Fishery Refrigeration Branch and the Freshwater Aquaculture Branch were successfully held in SHOU. The conference was directed by Li Jiale, Vice President of Shanghai Ocean University. Also present at the conference were Situ Jiantong, Vice President and Secretary General of the China Society of Fisheries; Wu Fanxiu, Director of the Academic Exchange Office of our university; Wu Jiamin, Secretary of SHOU CPC Committee.

At the conference, Wu Fanxiu announced the decision of China Society of Fisheries about establishing the Journal Branch. Wu Jiamin, on behalf of SHOU, appreciated China Society of Fisheries for its long-term trust in and assistance and help to SHOU, warmly welcomed the members of various branches for visit and exchange, and indicated that SHOU would provide full support to the work of the Journal Branch, the Fishery Refrigeration Branch and the Freshwater Aquaculture Branch of China Society of Fisheries and make full efforts to build them advanced branches under the China Society of Fisheries. Situ Jiantong expressed his thanks to Shanghai Ocean University for its substantial support to China Society of Fisheries. He said that Shanghai Ocean University not only had undertaken Journal of Fisheries of China and Aquaculture and Fisheries, two very important academic magazines sponsored by the China Society of Fisheries, but also led the Journal Branch, that these facts fully demonstrated the adherence of Shanghai Ocean University to the cause of fisheries, and that he had strong belief in the success of the three branches under the leadership of Shanghai Ocean University. Li Jiale, new Chairman of the Freshwater Aquaculture Branch of the China Society of Fisheries, said that he would live up to the trust in him of the China Society of Fisheries, the branches and the branch members and would spare no effort to run these branches well.

At the conference, Situ Jiantong awarded certificates to Jiang Min, first-term Chairman of the Journal Branch of the China Society of Fisheries; Xie Jing, new Chairman of the Fishery Refrigeration Branch; and Ge Xianping, Vice Chairman of the Freshwater Aquaculture Branch. The leaders also issued the letter of appointment to each of the new-term members.

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