Collection of Marine Economy Literature Translations, Compiled by College of Foreign Languages was Published

The release date:2016-11-10view:153Set

To promote the continuous development of the “Collection of Marine Social Science Research Classics Translations” series, on Nov. 4, 2016, College of Foreign Languages held the Collection of Marine Economy Literature Translations press conference & seminar. A total of more than 20 people attended the conference, including the teacher representatives, experts and MTI supervisors of the College of Foreign Languages participating in the compilation of the series.

The Collection of Marine Economy Literature Translations constitutes the first series of the “Collection of Marine Social Science Research Classics Translations” series, and its Chief Planner is Professor Huang Shuolin, Director of Marine Policy and Law Institute; its Editor-in-Chief is Professor Qi Yali, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Executive Vice Dean of the College of Foreign Languages; 20 teachers from the majors of English, Japanese and Korean participated in the compilation. This collection of translations amounted to a total of 1,162,000 words, and six volumes have been formally published, which has filled the blank in this field in China and won the sponsorship of National Press Fund in 2015.

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