SHOU Holding a Large-scale Picture Show & Philatelic Show in Memory of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

The release date:2016-11-08view:125Set

On Nov. 3, 2016, in the warm atmosphere of SHOU 104th anniversary, the “Large-scale Picture Show & Philatelic Show Show in Memory of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen” was formally launched in the exhibition hall of Tuwen Building of Shanghai Ocean University. The opening ceremony was directed by Chen Lansun, Chairman of the Shanghai Ocean University Branch of The Revolutionary Committee of The Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK).

Inauguration of the exhibition by Vice Chairman Li Dongliang, Deputy Secretary He Ya, Secretary General Zhang Jingmin and Vice Chairman Wu Caihong

The “Large-scale Picture Show & Philatelic Show in Memory of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen” was instructed by the Shanghai Committee of The Revolutionary Committee of The Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK), sponsored by the Shanghai Ocean University Branch of The Revolutionary Committee of The Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK) and the Philatelic Association of Shanghai Ocean University, and co-organized by the United Front Work Department, the Propaganda Department, the Library and the Labor Union of Shanghai Ocean University.

Guests and leaders to the event

At the opening ceremony, Li Dongliang, Vice Chairman of RCCK Shanghai Committee, affirmed the work done by RCCK Shanghai Ocean University Branch in the past years, and said that this Picture Show & Philatelic Show  cherished the memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen for his historical contributions to the national independence, social progress and people’s happiness of China. He also fully paid his homage to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and acknowledged the vital importance of this event for the cohesion of the wills of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation both at home and abroad and for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through joint efforts.

Leaders listening to the introduction by Professor Chen Lansun during the visit

Wu Caihong, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Philatelic Association, fully affirmed the successful experience of the Philatelic Association of Shanghai Ocean University in combining philatelic activities with the education and teaching of the university in the past 30 years. He also said that the success of this philatelic show was inseparable from the time and energy invested by the sponsors, and that it inherited and carried on the patriotic, revolutionary and progressive spirits of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

In the end, He Ya, Deputy Secretary of SHOU CPC Committee, presented a speech overflowing with enthusiasm. According to her, the “Chinese Dream” towards which we are making ceaseless efforts under the leadership of the CPC remains connected with the lofty ideal of national rejuvenation advocated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. She also expressed his hope that, through visiting the show and cherishing the memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen for his historical contributions and passionate patriotism, all the teachers and students of the university should devote themselves to jointly promoting the great cause of peaceful reunification and realizing the “Chinese Dream” of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Students carefully appreciating the philatelic show

After inauguration by leaders and guests, everyone present engaged in careful visit and study. The show will be open to the public for one month, from Nov. 3 to Dec. 3, 2016.

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