Experts of Chinese National Engineering Research Center Participating the 35th CCAMLR Meeting and Receiving the Honors Granted by the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture

The release date:2016-11-03view:118Set

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is a regional organization devoted to the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources under Antarctic Treaty System, especially the conservation of Euphausua superba, Patagonian toothfish and other living resources. In recent years, due to climate change and other factors, marine conservation areas have become one of the focuses of discussion for this organization. Since 2012, the US and New Zealand have put forward the proposal of building a marine conservation area in Ross Sea for five consecutive times. The proposal eventually appeared on the outcome list of Sino-US strategic economic dialogues from 2013 to 2015, and entered the outcome list of Sino-US head-of-state talks. At the 35th CCAMLR meeting held in 2016, various members of CCAMLR ultimately reached a consensus in this field, which became the hottest topic of this meeting and aroused wide comments.

As invited by the Secretariat of CCAMLR and designated by the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tang Jianye, Director of the Pelagic Fishery Strategic Research Room of Chinese National Engineering Research Center, attended the 35th CCAMLR meeting held from Oct. 17 to Oct. 28 in Hobart of Australia as a member of the Chinese delegation.

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