2016 National Seminar for Backbone Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities Started in SHOU

The release date:2016-10-24view:118Set

To thoroughly apply On Further Strengthening and Improving the Propaganda and Ideological Work in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation, according to the work deployment of the central government about the in-depth implementation of Marxist theoretical studies and construction, the 21-day 2016 National Seminar for Backbone Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities (phases 63 and 64), organized by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and the Ministry of Education, started in SHOU on the morning of Oct. 23. At the opening ceremony, Yan Shuang, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Shanghai Committee and Secretary of the CPC Committee of Shanghai Federation of Social Science Associations, presented to all the trainees his opening report, entitled How to Do Well in the Ideological Work of the CPC. Also present at the opening ceremony were Wang Xiping, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and SHOU Vice President; Li Xinghua, Director of the Moral Education Department of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee; and nearly 200 teachers of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities from various provinces, cities and autonomous region all over the country. The opening ceremony was directed by Sha Jun, Director of Shanghai Moral Education Development Center for students.

Scene of the seminar

Yan Shuang, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Shanghai Committee and Secretary of the CPC Committee of Shanghai Federation of Social Science Associations, presenting his opening report

Li Xinghua extended welcome to all the teachers participating in the seminar on behalf of the CPC Committee of Shanghai Education and Health Committee and Shanghai Municipal Education Committee, appreciated SHOU for holding the seminar, and expressed his hope that all the trainees would seize this opportunity of learning from their colleagues at the seminar and exchanging good experience, ideas and practice with each other. He also introduced the construction of ideological and political theory courses in Shanghai from the perspectives of “stressing top-level design to establish the concept of integrated construction”, “stressing academic reform to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of teaching”, “stressing team building to strengthen talent support”, “stressing textbook research to enhance the pertinence of teaching contents” and so forth, and attempted to explore the reform of process reengineering from the aspects of institutional mechanism, critical bottlenecks, support guarantee, etc.

Wang Xiping gave her speech on behalf of SHOU, in which she introduced the historical origin and development of SHOU and the construction of Marxist theoretical discipline and ideological and political theory courses in SHOU. She also extended sincere welcome to the arrival of all the trainees, and expressed her heartfelt hope that the teachers of ideological and political theory courses from all over the country would pass on their valuable suggestions and experience to the university, thus promoting the development of SHOU, especially the construction of our ideological and political theory courses.

Sha Jun gave an introduction to the training curriculum, main tasks, precautions and other relevant contents of the seminar. At the seminar, Professor Cheng Dehui, Director of the Department of Society Science of He’nan Vocational College of Agriculture, presented a speech of exchange as the representative of trainees.

The seminar was undertaken by SHOU College of Marxism, and consisted of theme reports, workshops, practical training and many other sections, which would effectively enrich the training life of trainees and improve their learning effect.

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